Friday, January 22, 2010

A website is born!

Big news everyone, I have a real life website now!

It's under construction, but I've already added a lot of images so there should be plenty to look at.

Here is my finished hat (sorry for the delay).

Today after staring at an ink-stained yogurt lid I've had on my desk for months I scratched this into it.

Spontaneous imagined portraiture is brought on from days of rain I guess.
I prepped some illustration board today as well, hopefully I'll have some paintings soon.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Side projects away from my side projects

Going back to the city I grew up in usually functions as a break in reality for me. Not to say that everything lived there is a fantasy, or that my life in Oakland is a fantasy, but that there are different rules here that govern this "childhood home" world. I end up feeling syncopated, I have multiple existences that refuse to meet up, shifts in thinking and action, a change in motivation.

I did not felt the hat like I said I would. Instead I took it apart, re-crocheted it, disliked it, took it apart and made it again. I'm fairly satisfied with my made 3 times hat now. I haven't painted or drawn or even doodled. I've barely worked on a letter to a friend. I haven't even fixed the 3 broken buttons on my long winter coat. As usual, being home has marked a time of restlessness, excess brooding, devouring of books late into the night, and too much TV. 8 days into the trip and my body is still on west coast time.

The things I have done:
felt more intensely, taught myself how to batch files on Photoshop, and started organizing a website. I would like to say build, but I don't know any html code, and whatever I learned about dreamweaver is lost in a haze of 2nd semester of college memories. I've been editing and resizing files and uploading them. I haven't quite figured out what I'm doing, but it's okay. Here is what I have so far,
but eventually I'll purchase an url and have my own legit website. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions to tweak things or radically change them.
I'll try to post a picture of my finished hat soon, but until then, here is an interesting video I came across today. Oh how I love paper!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Flew to Chicago's O'Hare airport today on my way to Milwaukee. There was a long hallway with the floor conveyor lines and colored light panels and neon tubing  on the ceiling that changed colors. It was a bit overwhelming since I was tired from traveling but it was beautiful. I took only this picture because I didn't want to be one of those camera crazy tourists.

I nearly finished a hat today while on the plane, but I didn't like how thin the dark brown was and took over half the hat apart. Now it looks like this but it is way too big for my head. I think I will finish it up and try to felt it so it'll fit me better. I might take some process photos. Fingers crossed that I won't mess it up, I haven't felted anything since Waldorf grade school.