Saturday, December 26, 2009

christmas cards

During an an afternoon before work I decided to make prints off a lino block I have been fiddling with since the summer. I cut a few cards from some nicer sketchbook paper I had around and played with how I applied the ink onto the block. Here are 2 of 6 cards I ended up making.

I like the one of the left the best, because the halo shape came out looking like the moon. The one on the right is blurry and a little mysterious, but it didn't turn out as eerie as another one that I've already given away.

A few days before I was bored and decided to make a stencil of a reindeer to go over the large rainbow flag outside of our house. These are the mock-up sketches I made for it. The bottom one I painted with metallic paint  and turned into a postcard.

I ended up with two usable images so I put one up inside the house and one outside. They're a little silly and look more like cows parading as reindeer but I am quite fond of them both. I really enjoyed exaggerating the antlers but found it challenging to think of the positive and negative spaces in terms of what would actually work as a cut-out. Maybe I'll try to work on cut-outs  more often...

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